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Jambo TEAM Gigelsfelsen IGP3


Birth: November 1,2019

Let us introduce you to Jambo.  He currently weighs 90+lbs. He was imported in Sept of 2023. Jambo is an IGP3, meaning he has had intensive training in obedience, protection, and tracking. His hips and elbows are German “A” stamped meaning he is hip and elbow certified by Germany. Jambo is a WORLD CHAMPION SON from Willy Vom Kuckucksland and a great-grandson of  2-time World Sieger VA1 “Remo vom Fichtenschlag”. A VA1 is the top World Champion German shepherd who competes in the Sieger Trials against hundreds of others.

     Jambo is everything we look for in an IGP3 German Shepherd – Exceptional in every regard: Correct structure, striking Black and Red coloring, great drive and solid temperament, effortless fluid movement with far-reaching gait and the finest in Protection work. This is the Best of the Best on every level in Executive level Protection for the individual or family that you will not find anywhere else in the US

      Jambo is a proud masculine German shepherd being greatly loyal and focused. We are blessed to have a Stud dog with such great bloodlines. Not to mention his Kid friendly Personality that everyone loves to hang out with!!

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In Action!!!

  Our mission is to bring Honor and Glory to God for helping us provide for you the Finest Red&Black Large Boned Easy trainable German Shepherd puppies with  Sound Minds and bodies,produced from Parents with high levels of Courage and Intelligence that will serve you and your family with personal family protection and secure Loving companionship and even possible Sieger Show competitors



Inspected & Certified
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Inspected & Certified

© 2022 by Vom Yoderheim World Class German Shepherds

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